Stag beetle TV

Small heads up: All videos are in German!

Stag beetle protection

Stag beetle on the sidewalk

Please always release stag beetles near where they were found!

Stag beetle helpless in water

Even motionless stag beetles should be released from the water!

Energy drink for stag beetle

Instructions for a fast-acting energy drink!

Stag beetle on house visit

Stag beetles are found quite frequently on and in houses.

Stag beetle biology

Stag beetle to enjoy…

… and getting to know each other
The calm before the storm

Stag beetle rivalry I

The beetles can bring point forces of over 1000 g on the prongs of their mandibles. Injuries occur, but the head parts are well protected.

Stag beetle rivalry II

The beetles can bring point forces of over 1000 g on the prongs of their mandibles. Injuries occur, but the head parts are well protected.

Stag beetle hatch

Unique pictures of the hatching of a stag beetle. For the stag beetle, the hatching is the irrevocable start into the above-ground life.

Stag beetle development

This video shows footage of the different stages of stag beetle development

Stag beetle larva in cuvette

From wood to humus.
The larva builds in its pellet and initially moves on.

Stag beetle flight I

Flight at dusk. Body is sagging. With a good viewing angle even the sex can be recognized.

Stag beetle flight II

The beetles change flight direction only shortly before obstacles.

Stag beetle flight sound

Distinctive buzzing/propeller-like flight sound. You can recognize them from that alone.

Are stag beetles great sippers?

It is probably a bit exaggerated, but for refueling they like to take fruit or tree juices.

Stag beetle drama – bird food

Female after being eaten by birds. The front part usually remains intact and can move for hours, even days!

Stag beetle meets nose

Stag beetles can pinch. Once a year, stag beetle and nose meet for a short time in Alf. This movie is not recommended for imitation

Stag beetle rival fight

The beetles can bring point forces of over 1000 g on the prongs of their mandibles. Injuries occur, but the head parts are well protected.

Start – flight male stag beetle

The beetles usually take off from elevated points and require intensive launch preparation.

Biodiversity and insect protection

Flower burst due to earth bumblebee

Even earth bumblebees are predators…

Even dung beetles are beautiful beetles!

Camera and production: Marie Haegel

Insect protection for diversity

Video clip on the focus theme of the UN Decade on Biological Diversity 2019-2020: “Protecting insects – working together for nature’s diversity”.

The end of evolution

The man is right!
Read the book and act…

Ant lion

Insects also regulate themselves…

The stag beetle search

UN Decade Annual Project 2020

Laudatio of the Federal Minister for the Environment Syenja Schulze. We were very pleased about this…

The stag beetle search introduces itself

PR is a must, great footage!…
Nature in focus stag beetle (ARD)

Nature in focus – stag beetle (ARD)

Stag beetle in the ARD (WDR)
Video of the program Ratgeber Heim + Garten – Sunday, 13.05.2012


Kestrel Ora release into the wild

Dance of autumn leaves

Camera and production: Marie Haegel


Camera and production: Marie Haegel